Accompagnant Educatif Petite Enfance

Paris Institute of Childcare Training offers a comprehensive preparation for the national examinations for the Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle – Accompagnant Éducatif Petite Enfance (formerly CAP Petite Enfance), with a paid apprenticeship program running throughout the academic year (see route-specific dates below).

To facilitate participation, Paris ICT provides classes in both French and English, particularly aimed at English speakers learning French for the national exams of the CAP AEPE. It is also possible to take the course exclusively in French.

The CAP AEPE, a level 3 diploma issued by the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, offers significant career opportunities. For more information on this diploma, please consult the CAP AEPE page on the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles website.

One qualification, two routes…

For those wishing to join our CAP course in the context of an apprenticeship contract (work and study), the Paris Institute of Childcare Training offers two possible routes to attaining the CAP AEPE qualification, depending on your professional interests and preferred rhythm.

Individual Context

At-home childcare / Childminder

With the option Auxiliaire Parental, students will benefit from a childcare experience with children aged 0 to 6, as well as an apprenticeship or professionalization contract with no registration fees. They are remunerated through an employment contract throughout the training period by a specialized childcare agency (the employer).

Duration: 600 hours over 10 months, from September to June, each year

Training hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Work-study program : Alternation with family work via a partner childcare company, with after-school and Wednesday childcare for children aged 0 to 6

Collective Context

Daycare / Preschool

With the option Auxiliaire Crèche/Ecole Maternelle, Students will benefit from a childcare experience with children aged 0 to 6, as well as an apprenticeship or professionalization contract with no registration fees. They are remunerated through an employment contract throughout the training period by a pre-school or a daycare (the employer).

Duration: 450 hours over 12 months, from August to August each year

Training hours: Wednesdays from 9am to 5 pm (+ weekly additional e-learning)

Work-study program : Alternation working with children in a collective setting – either in a pre-school (école maternelle)  years or a daycare (crèche)


  • You need to be 18+
  • Have a full-time work permit  or European ID (a student visa is not enough)
  • Be available full-time for the full duration of the programme (specific dates depend on route chosen)
  • Be able to speak fluently, read and write in English (except if applying to the French language group)
  • Have a first experience with children from 0 to 6 years old (home care, internship/employment in a crèche/school/daycare centre, summer camp, etc.)

Rates and Financing

Formation « en alternance »

(Work & Study)

  • The training costs are covered by the OPCO and your salary is covered by the company for which you will work alternately.
  • You will have a steady job for 10 to 12 months, in an apprenticeship contract or professionalization contract.
  • Your salary is set by your employer (daycare, preschool or childcare agency) based on your age, contract and work schedule.

Other funding:

  • You can apply for funding from Pôle Emploi if you are a job seeker: ask your Pôle Emploi adviser.
  • Personal funding: the educational cost of the training is carried by the trainee. Contact us for a personalized quote based on your personal situation:


Registration opens in January of each year. Fill in the online form or contact us by e-mail:

The registration steps are as follows:

  • Send your application (CV, cover letter, ID)
  • Individual job interview with the employer (Ecole Maternelle/Crèche or Childcare Agency depending on desired route)
  • Collective information meeting (at the training center or by video-conference)
  • Employer: Recruitment process validation
  • Final registration confirmation
  • Start of CAP AEPE training


At the end of the training, the trainee should be able to:

  • Acquire and put into practice the essential knowledge and skills to support children from 0 to 6 years old in collective structures as well as in a home setting.
  • Obtain the early years diploma known as the CAP Accompagnant Éducatif Petite Enfance (CAP AEPE), a level 3 diploma issued by the Ministry of National Education.

The skills targeted are defined by the CAP AEPE national curriculum.

Training modules

The training modules follow the skills assessed by the CAP AEPE exam, which are defined in the national curriculum and organized by blocks. Each block corresponds to an exam paper.

Professional Modules

Block 1:  Accompanying the development of young children

    • Accompanying children in their discoveries and learning
    • Caring for children and accompanying them in their daily activities
    • Creating and presenting a “chef d’œuvre” (for learners on an apprenticeship contract)

Block 2:  Working in collective settings

    • Working as part of a child-parent-professional network
    • Working in early years collective settings such as preschools and crèches

Block 3:  Working in individual settings

    • Professional context of home settings (at home child-minders)

General Education

  • French, History-Geography-Civic Moral Education
  • Mathematics and Physics – Chemistry
  • Physical education and sport (only for apprentis)
  • Environment – Health – Prevention

Teaching methods

  • Blended learning (mix of face-to-face classes, online and e-learning)
  • Bilingual training (English and French), adapted to the learner’s level of French
  • Period of training in a professional environment (in a crèche or a school, at-home setting)
  • Training resources: classrooms, digital platform with online teaching aids, technical platforms (childcare, maintenance, cooking), CAP AEPE manual
  • Varied teaching approaches: theoretical contributions in class, interactive sessions, practical workshops, written and oral exercises, individual and group work, professional scenarios, case studies, research and independent work, assistance in preparing for tests, follow-up in the preparation of files and documents.

Evaluation methods and career opportunities

  • Regular assessments of learning during training (written and oral)
  • Training booklet for each trainee, completed by the training organization and the employing company.
  • Exam sessions organized by the National Ministry of Education (April to June), including 3 professional exams, 3 general exams (written and oral). More details can be found on the National Repertory of Professional Certifications.
  • Training certificate issued at the end of the training
  • Adaptation of the course according to acquired knowledge, exemptions and regulatory equivalences: possibility of validating certain modules based on past professional experiences or diplomas.
  • The many professional opportunities are detailed by France Competences.